What is another word for late

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Occurring or done after the expected, planned, or usual time.

Antonyms of late


Strongest matches:

- early

- punctual

Weak matches:

- timely

- prompt


Strongest matches:

- earliness

Weak matches:

- punctuality

- promptness


delayed, overdue, tardy, behind schedule, belated, behind, postponed, deferred, unpunctual, behindhand

Usage examples:

1. I apologize for being late to the meeting traffic was heavier than I anticipated.

2. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the park, creating a serene atmosphere.

3. In his late career, the artist began experimenting with abstract forms, diverging from his earlier realistic styles.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the direct antonym of 'late' when referring to time of arrival?

The direct antonym of 'late' in the context of arrival time is 'early.' This term is used when someone or something arrives before the expected or scheduled time.

If something is not considered 'late,' but also not 'early,' what word can be used?

The term 'on time' is used when someone or something arrives exactly at the scheduled or expected time, neither early nor late.

In the context of deadlines, what is the opposite of submitting something 'late'?

The opposite of submitting something 'late' in the context of deadlines is submitting it 'ahead of schedule' or 'before the deadline.' Both terms indicate that the task was completed and submitted before the due time.

Can 'prompt' be considered an antonym of 'late'? Under what circumstances?

Yes, 'prompt' can be considered an antonym of 'late,' especially in contexts relating to response time or attendance. If someone is described as 'prompt,' it means they are on time, or they respond or act quickly and without delay, as opposed to being late.