Navigating Date Formats: How to Write the Date in English

Ellison Clapton6 min
Created: Oct 7, 2024Last updated: Oct 9, 2024
Navigating Date Formats

People studying English often face date problems because formats differ from those in their home countries. Some use day-month-year; others follow month-day-year or other variations. It can be confusing, especially when writing formal documents or emails. Let’s explore how to write the date in English so you can feel confident in any situation.

Most Common Date Formats in English

There are several ways to write the date in English, which vary based on different preferences and regions. It’s one of the aspects that will help you to improve your written English. Below is how to write the date in numbers and words in different formats.

DateDate FormatExplanation
02/07/2024DD/MM/YYYYIt is a common format used in British English.
07/02/2024MM/DD/YYYYUsed in American English to denote month-day-year.
2024/07/02YYYY/MM/DDThe international standard for writing dates (ISO 8601).
Tuesday, July 2, 2024Date written in totalIt’s best to write the date entirely when it is part of a sentence.

Writing the Date in Numbers or Words

Numbers for months are used in informal contexts. You can write “7/2/2024” for July 2, 2024, as it’s short and precise. But in formal writing, such as business letters or legal documents, always spell out the month’s full name. Here’s how to write the date in words: “Tuesday, July 2, 2024.”

Abbreviating months is okay in some instances, such as tables or charts where space matters. In such cases, write only the first three letters followed by a period (except for May). For example:

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.

Now, about days: use cardinal numbers (like 1, 2, 3) rather than ordinal numbers (like 1st, 2nd, 3rd) in formal American writing:

  • Correct: July 2.
  • Incorrect: July 2nd.

Cardinal numbers keep your writing clean and easy to read. Ordinal numbers are for spoken dates. When friends ask about plans, you might say “July 2nd”, but you’d write “July 2” in a report or email.

How to Write Dates with Days of the Week

Including the day of the week makes your date more specific and clear. Instead of just writing “July 2, 2024,” add the day: “Tuesday, July 2, 2024.” It helps to avoid errors or confusion in planning.

  • Meeting on Wednesday, June 12, 2023.
  • Report due by Friday, August 9, 2023.

In tables or lists, it’s common to shorten the day names to three letters followed by a comma. Examples include:

  • Mon, July 1, 2024.
  • Tue, July 2, 2024.
  • Wed, July 3, 2024.
  • Thu, July 4, 2024.
  • Fri, July 5, 2024.
  • Sat, July 6, 2024.
  • Sun, July 7, 2024.

This format is also acceptable in less formal writing, like emails or notes, where space can be a concern. Including the day makes your message more precise and easier to understand.


Writing the Years: A Comprehensive Guide

A precise format is essential when you write years. Always specify the entire year in formal settings, such as business reports or academic papers. “2023” is correct and better suits most contexts than its abbreviation “23.”

In less formal contexts, referring to years in abbreviated form is acceptable when the context makes it obvious. For example, within casual conversations or short text messages, you may say “the class of '99” instead of “the class of 1999.” But be cautious and avoid this in formal writing.

Specific years frequently appear in different situations. When discussing historic events or milestones, you must write the entire year. Also, “the year 1950” is more formal and often found in scholarly articles.

The en dash (–) provides a clear connection between a range of years. “2001–2005” indicates an ongoing period that spans multiple years. Don’t use hyphen (-) in such cases. Use a slash for financial or academic cycles that span two calendar years. An example is “the fiscal year 2022/2023.”

How to Write Decades and Centuries in Different Contexts

Use two-digit numbers with an apostrophe before decades and an “s” after. For example, write “90s” for the 1990s. Writing “1990s” or “the nineties” is also correct but takes more space. Decades written in this way are short forms and plurals, not possessives. So, avoid putting an apostrophe before the “s.”

Centuries refer to all the years within a hundred years. “The 1800s” includes the years from 1800 to 1899. Here’s how do you write the date when it comes to centuries:

  • Ordinal number (19th century).
  • Full form with the word “century” (the nineteenth century).
  • Numbers alone (1900s).

Century years do not require “the” before them. It’s better to write “2000” rather than “the 2000”; this helps avoid awkward phrasing and keeps the writing neat. The format “1990s” should be used without an apostrophe.

Use the format that best fits your context. “The nineteenth century” might look better in a formal paper; “1900s” is clear and concise in a chart or table.

Common Mistakes When Writing Dates in English

Dates are complex, as minor inaccuracies result in complications. Incorrect formats or spelling may lead to missed meetings or even legal problems. Here are some common mistakes and ways to fix them:

  • Mixing formats. People often mix up British and American date formats. “02/07/2024” in British English means July 2. In American English, it means February 7. Using the correct format for your audience can help avoid this mix-up. When you are uncertain about the format, use “July 2, 2024” to write the entire date.
  • Omitting the year. People sometimes leave out the year, thinking the context makes it clear. This can cause problems in business or legal documents, especially for dates linked to past or future events. Mention the year, like “July 2, 2024,” as it helps avoid confusion.
  • Using the wrong separator. Some regions use slashes (07/02/2024), while others use hyphens (07-02-2024) or periods (07.02.2024). Adhere to the usual separator used in your target region.
  • Abbreviating the year. In informal communication, it is acceptable to replace “2024” with “24”; however, it should not be used in formal settings. The complete year facilitates greater comprehension in essential cases.

Be sure to take notice of your reader and the nature of the document you are creating. These slight modifications help to make your dates clear and polished. 

Enhance Your English Journey with Promova

The Promova app provides all you need to learn different aspects of English. We offer guided courses that help you master vocabulary and grammar. Each lesson focuses on essential words and rules to build a strong foundation.

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Our blog features articles that explore topics like how to think in English and the English alphabet and offer valuable tips that boost fluency. This extra content makes immersing yourself in the tongue and understanding its nuances easier.


Precise dates in English make your writing look professional. Use the appropriate format based on the context. If you follow these guidelines, your emails and documents will be easier for everyone to understand. Learn the different date formats, know the date in numbers, and be aware of regional preferences.


How to handle dates when I write for international audiences?

It’s best to adopt the ISO 8601 (YYYY/MM/DD) format, which is used worldwide. With it, your dates will be understood by everyone, no matter their location.

What is the correct way to include time zones?

You can add the abbreviation after the time. State the date and local time followed by UTC offset or timezone abbreviation. “July 2, 2024, at 3:00 PM GMT+2” is correct.

When should I use ordinal numbers in dates?

Ordinal numbers like 1st or 2nd are more prevalent in casual chats. Cardinal numbers would be more precise in professional writing.

Which online resources can help me learn English?

You can use BBC Learning English for lessons and grammar tips and Cambridge English for practice tests and quizzes. Online tools like Grammarly will also be helpful; they can improve your grammar and spelling.
