What is synonyms for clairvoyance

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/paʊər ʌv ˈsiːɪŋ/

The ability to perceive or observe things visually.

Synonyms of clairvoyance


As in vision

Strongest matches:

- vision

- eyesight

- sight

- visual perception

Weak matches:

- view

- perspective


As in ability or insight

Strongest matches:

- insight

- perception

- discernment

Weak matches:

- comprehension

- awareness


blindness, myopia, sightlessness, vision impairment, inability to see

Usage examples:

1. The detective's power of seeing minute details at crime scenes often led to breakthroughs in seemingly unsolvable cases.

2. Through meditation and mindfulness, she enhanced her inner power of seeing, gaining clarity and insight into her own thoughts and emotions.

3. In the realm of fantasy, the wizard possessed a mystical power of seeing that allowed him to glimpse into the future.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more common term for the 'power of seeing'?

A more common term for the 'power of seeing' is 'vision.' This term refers to the ability to see or the faculty of sight.

Is there a scientific term that captures the essence of the 'power of seeing'?

Yes, the scientific term that closely captures the essence of the 'power of seeing' is 'visual perception.' This term is used to describe the process by which the brain interprets and organizes visual information received from the environment.

Can 'insight' be considered a synonym for the 'power of seeing'?

Yes and no. 'Insight' can be considered a metaphorical synonym for the 'power of seeing' when referring to the ability to understand something intuitively or the clear (and often sudden) understanding of a complex situation. However, it does not directly refer to the physical ability to see with the eyes.

Is there a term that combines the physical and intuitive aspects of seeing?

While there isn't a single word that combines both the physical and intuitive aspects of seeing, 'perception' comes close. It encompasses the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses, and it also implies an understanding of those sensory inputs.