What is synonyms for negative impact

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negative impact

/ˈnɛɡətɪv ˈɪmpækt/

An adverse effect or damaging consequence resulting from an action or event.

Synonyms of negative impact


Strongest matches:

- adverse effect

- detrimental consequence

- harmful outcome

Weak matches:

- unfavorable result

- disadvantageous effect

- negative repercussion

- undesirable consequence


positive impact, beneficial effect, positive influence, advantageous effect, constructive outcome, positive consequence, favorable impact

Usage examples:

1. The negative impact of pollution on marine life has led to a significant decline in biodiversity, disrupting aquatic ecosystems.

2. The company's failure to meet its quarterly targets had a negative impact on its stock prices.

3. Excessive screen time can have a negative impact on children's physical and mental health.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'negative impact' that can be used in formal writing?

A common synonym for 'negative impact' suitable for formal writing is 'adverse effect.'

Is there a more concise synonym for 'negative impact' that I can use in everyday conversation?

Yes, the word 'detriment' serves as a more concise synonym.

What synonym for 'negative impact' implies a long-term effect?

'Lasting damage' is a synonym that specifically suggests a long-term negative impact.

Can you provide a synonym for 'negative impact' that specifically relates to environmental contexts?

'Environmental degradation' is a term that is specifically used to describe a negative impact on the environment.