What is synonyms for with

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A preposition indicating association, inclusion, or possession.

Synonyms of with


As in indicating accompaniment

Strongest matches:

- alongside

- accompanied by

- in addition to

- together with

- in company with

Weak matches:

- beside

- next to

- along with

- including

- plus

- alongside of


As in indicating means or instrumentality

Strongest matches:

- using

- by means of

- through

Weak matches:

- via

- by way of

- per


As in indicating opposition or contrast

Strongest matches:

- against

- versus

- in opposition to

Weak matches:

- contra

- counter

- opposed to


against, apart from, excluding, without

Usage examples:

1. She went to the store with her friend to buy groceries.

2. With a heavy heart, he announced his resignation from the company.

3. The cake was decorated with fresh flowers and berries, making it look irresistible.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'with' when indicating accompaniment?

'Accompanied by,' 'alongside,' 'together with,' and 'side by side with' are frequent choices when you want to express that someone or something is accompanying another.

How can I replace 'with' when expressing the means or instrumentality?

When you want to specify the means or instrument used to do something, synonyms such as using, by means of, through, and via can serve as effective replacements for 'with.'

Are there any synonyms for 'with' that imply having or possessing something?

Yes, phrases like equipped with, possessing, endowed with, and featuring can substitute for 'with' when the intent is to convey possession or inclusion of characteristics, features, or equipment.

What are alternative words to use for 'with' in the context of agreement or conformity?

In contexts where 'with' suggests agreement or conformity, alternatives like in accordance with, in agreement with, in line with, and consistent with can be used to maintain the original meaning while varying the language.