What is synonyms for close friend

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close friend

/ˈkloʊs ˈfrɛnd/

A person with whom one shares a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.

Synonyms of close friend


Strongest matches:

- best friend

- confidant

- bosom friend

- companion

Weak matches:

- ally

- acquaintance

- chum

- pal


distant acquaintance, stranger, casual contact, remote connection, unfamiliar person

Usage examples:

1. Ever since they met in kindergarten, Jamie has been my close friend, always there for me through thick and thin.

2. In times of trouble, it's essential to have a close friend who understands you without judgment and offers a shoulder to lean on.

3. While I have many acquaintances, it's my close friend Sarah who knows all my secrets and deepest fears.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another term for a 'close friend'?

A common synonym for 'close friend' is 'best friend.' Other terms that convey a similar level of intimacy and trust include 'confidant,' 'bosom friend,' and 'soulmate.'

Can 'acquaintance' be used interchangeably with 'close friend'?

No, 'acquaintance' refers to someone you know but with whom you do not have a deep or personal relationship, which is significantly different from the intimacy implied by 'close friend.' Acquaintances might be people you see regularly but do not share confidences or a deep emotional connection with.

Is 'companion' a synonym for 'close friend'?

While 'companion' can refer to a close friend, especially in contexts where the emphasis is on shared activities or experiences, it is a broader term that can also refer to anyone with whom one spends time, such as a travel companion. So, while all close friends can be companions, not all companions are close friends.

How does 'ally' differ from 'close friend'?

'Ally' often implies a relationship built on mutual support towards common goals or in facing challenges, which might not necessarily include the personal or emotional intimacy of a close friendship. Allies might support each other in professional, social, or political contexts, but this does not automatically make them close friends.