What is synonyms for ecstatic

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/ˈvɛri ˈhæpi/

Experiencing great joy or delight.

Synonyms of ecstatic


As in ecstatic

Strongest matches:

- elated

- overjoyed

- euphoric

Weak matches:

- blissful

- rapturous


As in joyful

Strongest matches:

- gleeful

- merry

- cheerful

Weak matches:

- jovial

- delighted


As in thrilled

Strongest matches:

- excited

- enthused

Weak matches:

- animated

- stimulated


very sad, miserable, unhappy, despondent, dejected

Usage examples:

1. After receiving the news of her promotion, she was very happy and couldn't stop smiling all day.

2. The surprise birthday party left him feeling very happy, surrounded by friends and family who cared.

3. Their dog was very happy to see them return home, wagging its tail energetically and jumping around in excitement.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a commonly used synonym for 'very happy' that indicates a high level of joy?

'Ecstatic' is a popular synonym that suggests an overwhelming level of happiness or joy, often more intense than simply being very happy.

Is there a formal synonym for 'very happy' that can be used in professional or literary contexts?

'Elated' is a formal synonym for 'very happy,' suitable for professional, academic, and literary contexts. It conveys a sense of being uplifted or filled with joy.

What synonym for 'very happy' can also imply a sense of relief or release from worry?

'Relieved' is a term that indicates a significant reduction in anxiety or worry, leading to a state of happiness. However, for a word that combines relief with happiness more directly, 'jubilant' is an excellent choice, as it suggests joy stemming from success or relief.

Is there a synonym for 'very happy' that is especially appropriate for informal or colloquial use?

'Over the moon' is an idiomatic expression that vividly conveys extreme happiness in an informal or casual manner. It's widely used in conversational English to express delight or joy that is beyond the ordinary.