What should I do if my pronunciation cannot be analyzed?

If you encounter the error message "We cannot analyze your pronunciation" while submitting a voice recording, follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  • Open the card containing the speaking quiz.
  • Locate the black button in the middle of the card.
  • Press the black button to start recording your voice.
  • Clearly speak the phrase displayed on the card once.
  • Press the button again to finalize the recording.
  • Once recorded, the system will send your voice clip for analysis using our machine-learning algorithm.

If the issue persists, ensure:

  • You are in a quiet environment free from background noise.
  • Your device's microphone is working correctly.
  • Permissions for microphone access are enabled in your device settings.

If the issue persists, please get in touch with our Support Team at support@promova.com. Please include a screenshot or video recording to help us better understand your problem. We will be happy to find a solution for you!

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